Monday, 5 November 2007

Blood Cancer Leukemia


My mother used to be the most energetic person that i knew for her age. she was so full of life. She did not smoke or drink, so how come last year she was diagnosed with Blood Cancer. When i recieved the news i was devastated. My mother is 72 years old and whin a few months of diagnoses she has lost a lot of weight and her legs are swelling in size. Blood Cancer or Leukemia is a deadly desease that affects mostly children or men. So how she contracted it i dont know. Reseach says that blood cancer it can be contracted from living in industrial areas, but my mother has lived in the rural village with my father for twenty years.

Since my mother's diagnosis, i have done a lot of research on blood cancer . We as a family have been looking at chemotherapy as an option, but i am aware of the dangers and side effects of such a treatment, not to talk of the cost. Most blood cancer patients who recieve chemotherapy lose their hair and go back into remission a short while later because their immune systems are weakened by the chemotherapy. My mother is 72 years and i don't think that she would survive the chemotherapy.

There most be another way. So i have gone onto the internet and have done some research into natural therapies for blood cancer .

There are experts out there that claim that blood cancer can be cured by natural alternative medicine. This means healing the body from within. So i went to work finding out more on this subject.

After the fast you must change your entire diet and eat only raw foods, nothing cooked ever again. Then you must start a fitness program of daily working and muscle toning exercises. Once a month you should fast for one day. Also you should get some sun tan to bulid up your vitamin D, which is lacking in most blood cancer patients.

With this information i have started my mother on the program and to my greatest delight she is improving remarkably well. Most of the cancer cells are dying out and she has got her strength back from daily exercise.

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