Monday, 5 November 2007

Mesothelioma Symptoms

Widen Your Perspective on Mesothelioma Symptoms

In certain occupations the inhalation of dust, fumes and noxious agents produces diseases, an outcome of industrial hazard. The mesothelioma is a rare cancerous condition caused from such an exposure, especially from asbestos dust. The mesothelioma symptoms appear only after prolonged exposure but the progress is very rapid.

The mesothelial cells form a double layered protective membrane surrounding the vital organs; the lungs (pleura), heart (pericardium) and stomach (peritoneum). The mesothelioma symptoms in the initial stages include difficulty in breathing and persistent cough which can be mistaken for lung diseases like bronchitis, asthma etc. As the growth of tumor progresses, the patient may show up with frank mesothelioma symptoms due to building of fluid, pressure on adjoining structures and spread of cancer to other organs. Hence the mesothelioma symptoms vary according to the location, stage, type and extent of spread of the disease. The disease usually affects other organs via the different routes like the bloodstream, lymphatic channel or direct contact with abnormal mesothelial cells. The symptoms of fever, weight loss, fatigue etc and signs of anemia are common for all forms of mesothelioma.

Pleural mesothelioma symptoms

The growth of tumor within the pleural cavity changes the consistency and nature of pleural fluid, causing restriction of lung movements and associated symptoms like Persistent coughing and shortness of breath. Pain in chest and lower back. Symptoms of obstruction – change in voice, difficulty in swallowing etc.

Peritoneal mesothelioma symptoms

The peritoneal mesothelioma occurs due to spread of cancer to the mesothelial lining over the abdominal structures like intestines, liver etc. This causes symptoms such as Pain in abdomen.Distension of abdomen – due to presence of fluid and tumor mass. Improper bowel functioning due to obstruction. Liver disturbances – signs of jaundice, abnormal blood clotting etc.

Pericardial mesothelioma symptoms

The heart tumors are rare and occur mostly in advanced stage due to the spread of disease from the mediastinum and adjoining tissue like lungs. The symptoms include - Retrosternal pain radiating to shoulders, neck which is increased during deep breathing, exercise and any body movement. Difficulty in breathing especially while lying down. The biopsy of the affected cancerous tissue is most diagnostic to detect mesothelioma, as the symptoms may simulate other disease conditions like tuberculosis, acute pericarditis etc. But the biopsy has to be conducted with care as the mesothelioma has a tendency to spread by implanting on the traumatized tissue.

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